P&Z Approves first step for Fireball

During its regular Oct. 04, 2018 meeting, the Forney Planning & Zoning Commission met and in summary:

  • Held Public Hearings -
    • Approved a request to rezone property from AG โ€” Agricultural District to PD โ€” Planned Development District with a base zoning district of LI โ€” Light Industrial District. The property consists of approximately 102.037 acres of land located at the southwest corner of S. Gateway Boulevard and U.S. Highway 80.Watch Video     Mr. Morgan said the 102 acres is undeveloped, LI will allow 1.2mil sq ft building. Mr. McGregor said they have been working with developer several months; he enjoys having a short commute, would like for others to have that. EDC believes that is best use for the property. He believes trucks will not be driving through Gateway Parks subdivision. This will help with day-time population by adding about 100 jobs. Diversifying tax base helps city and FISD. Ms. Quine thanked Mr. Morgan for guiding them through this, stating this is a low impact use, brings jobs and provides ad valorem taxes.
          Eight residents spoke against the request, citing concerns about traffic, reduced property values and crime.
          Chmn. Thomas addressed stated concerns with staff and applicant representatives, who were prevented by NDA's to state what use the warehouse would be for.
          Item was approved 5-1 (chambers nay)
    • Tabled a request to rezone property from AG, Agricultural District to GR, General Retail District. The property consists of approximately 3 acres located east of S. F.M. 548 and north of the Grayhawk Planned Development.
          Two residents spoke against the request, citing concerns about traffic and crime.
          Mr. Morgan said this is to develop multi-tenant retail - recently annexed. Comp plan offers no help, as this was outside city limits then. There is a 75-ft buffer from Grayhawk. Did receive 2 calls from Grayhawk residents opposed. Overland Grove has retail approved directly across the street.
          Item was tabled.

  • Approved a revised site plan for Windmill Farms Private School, located west of Windmill Farms Boulevard and north of Concord Drive in the City of Forney extra-territorial jurisdiction.
        Mr. Morgan said previously the alternative material request was denied, the revised plans show compliance, 90% brick and stone plus cedar.
  • Approved an awning at 208 and 210 S. Bois D'Arc Street in the City of Forney, Texas.
        Mr. Dixon said Ms. Ballard wants to use as original 2-tenant space, request to move doors and repaint was approved by ARB.

  • Denied a preliminary plat for Travis Ranch South, a residential subdivision located west of F.M. 460 and north of U.S. Highway 80 in the City of Forney extra-territorial jurisdiction.
        Mr. Morgan said the 8.6 acres is N. of where Knox was, no control over lot size in ETJ, these are 4600-4900 sq ft. New parkland ordinance does apply, would require 1.72 acre or $48k in fees + park development fee of 18k. The applicant requests to do land of 0.7 acre plus fees, park board recommends just fees - less than 5 acres is difficult to maintain, and this is spread among several parcels. Staff recommends denial, applicant did not want to change it.
  • Failed to approve by 2-4 vote (Shimkus, Thomas for; Chambers, Wilcoxson, Wilkins, Holler against) a preliminary plat for Lover's Landing, located north of U.S. Highway 80 and east of Lovers Lane in the City of Forney, Texas.

  • Adjourned at 2014.
Thursday, 2018, October 4