Forney ISD

FISD Groundbreaking - Griffin Elem.

FISD holds groundbreaking ceremony for the Jerry & Helen Griffin Elementary at Devonshire.

FISD adopts lower tax rate, activates the FISD Police Dept.

Aug. 03, 2020 Forney ISD Board met to consider 2020-21 tax rate, adjust for COVID, consider a parent complaint.

FISD adopts budget, employee compensation plan

June 29, 2020 Forney ISD Board met to hold budget hearing, get construction updates, consider employee comp.

FISD looks for normal fall classes

May 28, 2020 Forney ISD Board virtually considered budgets, construction bids and procedures, student programs and resuming a normal fall schedule.

FISD recognizes top 10 students, Teachers of the Year

May 11, 2020 Forney ISD met to recognize top ten and all-state students, announce District Teachers of the Year, consider bond sales and construction.

Forney ISD prepares for non-virtual future

FISD Apr. 06, 2020 discussed life with virtual learning, how they are supporting students and parents with campuses closed, moved forward with staff raises and plans for new schools.

Forney ISD approves pay for employees during closure

Mar. 17, 2020 emergency meeting, the Forney ISD met at 07:30 AM to approve employee pay.

FISD extends Spring Break, City postpones events

Forney ISD extends virtual learning until at least Apr. 6, City postpones events, due to COVID-19 concerns.

Forney ISD accepts names for future schools

Mar. 02, 2020 Forney ISD recognized students, accepted donation, considered plans for new middle & intermediate campus, and elementaries 8 & 9;

FISD presents annual Performance Report

Feb. 03, 2020 FISD recognizes students and volunteers, presented TAPR, considered joining a tax district and buying land.


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