Lovers Lane meeting May 15
In the November 2022 election, Forney voters approved Proposition E, allocating $52.7 million for road and infrastructure improvements.
One of the projects funded by this initiative is the expansion and reconstruction of Lovers Lane, extending from State Highway 80 to FM 740.
This project will transform Lovers Lane into a three-lane roadway, with one lane in each direction and a dedicated center turn lane. Additional improvements include relocating water lines, enhancing drainage and traffic flow, and installing new streetlights and landscaping to create a safer and more efficient roadway for commuters.
To provide more details and answer questions, the City of Forney’s Engineering Department will host a public meeting on May 15th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Forney City Hall Annex (101 E. Main St., Council Chambers). Residents are encouraged to attend and learn more about the Lovers Lane project.
More information and meeting materials will be available on the City of Forney website at this page.