Forney City

Ranch Road Concrete Repair March 24+

March 24 crews will begin concrete replacement on Ranch Road for about one week.

Lovers Lane meeting May 15

The city will host a public meeting on May 15th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Forney City Hall Annex (101 E. Main St., Council Chambers) regarding the planned work on Lovers Lane.

City of Forney Announces Interim Fire Chief

Following the resignation of Fire Chief Derek Briggs, the City of Forney is pleased to announce the appointment of John Holcomb as Interim Fire Chief of the Forney Fire Department.

City wants public input on proposed bridges

City of Forney will host an open house on Thursday, January 30, 2025, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Forney City Hall Annex (101 E. Main St., Council Chambers). Residents are encouraged to attend and provide feedback.

Beware and Prepare

Beware, all ye who traverse the Downtown Forney Corridors.
Prepare, all ye who partake of festivities.
The New Years' Eve cometh for us all.

City of Forney Expresses Condolences

officer Jacob Candanoza

City of Forney Expresses Condolences for Fallen Terrell Police Officer Jacob Candanoza.

Boil Water Notice - City of Forney - Rescinded

Due to Reduced System Pressure, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has required the City of Forney public water system to notify all customers of the Overland Grove, Grayhawk and Dalview Estates subdivisions including the Johnson Elementary School to boil their water prior to consumption

Forney appoints Michael Grace as new EDC Director

The City of Forney announced that Michael Grace will serve as the city’s next Director of Economic Development.

Forney City Hall moving soon

City Hall departments will soon spread out further, using property at Pinson and Broad street.

Missing Person

Waid Robison
Dallas Fire and Rescue

City of Forney statements about Missing Person Waid Robison.


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