During its regular Jan. 11, 2017 meeting, the FEDC considers sale of 212 Bois D'arc (Crumbzz), and awarded two $20k grants to businesses for relocation assistance.
The Forney EDC approved $100k reimbursement for the planned Hampton Inn on Regal Dr. and announced a business moving into the former Forney Sports Center.
During its July 14 meeting , the Forney EDC approved rather large amount of H.O.T. funds, approved next years' budget, and debated detention pond maintenance.
Forney EDC teaches local non-profits about the HOT funds process, considers roof leaks at 106 Main, approves moving Turkey Trax, relocation funds for Emergicon.
The Forney EDC approved 2 downtown Renovation Incentives, moves to do something about a utility easement downtown, moves forward on preparing to purchase the surplus TxDOT property at FM548/FM688/US Hwy 80.